The power of storytelling


No matter what industry you work in, it’s essential to connect with your audience. After all, research shows people prefer brands they feel emotionally connected to. But for nonprofits in pursuit of volunteers and donations, making a deep connection is especially critical.

Numbers don’t make you memorable

Nonprofits may not compete in the traditional sense, but as you look for volunteers, donations, and resources, you need to tell your audience why you deserve their time and money. How many nonprofits have you seen do this by highlighting their impact with big numbers and talking about giving people hope? Don’t get me wrong, every nonprofit should be highlighting their reach and ambition, but it’s not enough. At the end of the day, numbers don’t create an emotional connection to your audience—it’s the story behind those numbers. So, how do you tell a compelling story?

Writing a story that sticks

Whether it’s the way you build long-term partnerships with underprivileged communities or your firm belief that helping starts with listening, nonprofits need to build a story. A story that clearly conveys your unique approach to the cause you work tirelessly for, bringing to life the passion, grit, and deep-seated values that drive you forward. By highlighting your purpose and values, you can create an authentic story that shows what you offer and the impact you make in a genuine way. That story should come to life both verbally and visually, through messaging, illustration, color, and more. With a clear story at the heart of your brand, you can reach audiences who share your values and connect with them on a personal level. And this connection is what turns audiences into advocates.

The stories we’ve crafted

Bridges to Community works to alleviate poverty in the Dominican Republic through housing, health, education, and economic development programs. As a small nonprofit, they needed their brand to help them connect with a larger audience. From the beginning, we were inspired by real stories, like the way volunteers play soccer with local children or how a home provides more than just shelter for a family. We created a brand strategy centered around the immersive experiences Bridges offers to volunteers and the resources they provide to locals to help them be self-sufficient. To tell this story consistently and bring authenticity to their brand, we crafted a visual identity based on the local Dominican culture, using photographs of real volunteers. See their story here.

The Beating the Odds Foundation (BTO) is a nonprofit that empowers students to turn their goals into reality. With an inspiring founding story about a former police officer who turned his life around after a tragic incident, BTO offers unique, in-person experiences and a classroom curriculum to help students overcome their obstacles. We crafted a new strategy that conveys how they bring learning to life and a visual identity that represents their perfect ratio of programs and experiences, helping BTO bring their own story off the page and into the world. Dive into the brand here.

Insights from Jo Rooney and David Marte, Senior Designers
Written by Phoebe Chen, Associate Strategist


Connecting ambition to opportunity


The great convergence